

"又o黎? 日日塞十份吹水癈紙入人pigeon hole..."滿心以為是city的宣傳刊物,手正要把這粉紅尤物擲進垃圾箱之際,幸好讓我瞄到標題下香港文化誌的小字,匆匆縮手,立即便在辦公室讀起來,終於讓我找到一本甚得我心的雜誌。
這雜誌的一大特色是「中英雙語廣播」,但跟其他中英雜誌不同的是,英文與中文不是倒模式翻譯的。在<<瞄>>,兩種語言有獨立生命,時而各有各說,時而互相補足。雜誌Editorial Director這樣解釋雜誌語言的定位:

Muse is a primarily English magazine, sprinkled with Chinese throughout. On first glance, and when you see the Chinese prominently displayed, you may be tempted to search the English article for the exact sentences translated into Chinese, and vice versa. Most of the time you won't find it, for our purpose is not to translate articles or even sentences from English into Chineses. We want the two languages to play different roles...

接著他道出數個運用中文的原則:1. 若翻譯成英文,精髓將流失;2. 香港地道俚語;3. 中文小說、詩詞;4. 中文評論可給英文文章帶來新角度。




The problem with 鄭中基(Ronald
Cheng) is that he isn't very funny. He's a comedian whose primary skills seem to
be smiling and corss-dressing. He doesn't have the desperate urgency of Jim
Carrey, who plunges with manic intensity after his needs and desires, which can
be very funny. And he has none of the verbal brilliance and comic timing of
周星馳(Stephen Chow).


寫了這好一會,突然感到香港多元的可愛。也感到自己滿屋小飛象、隔陣子總要買對Dior的低B凡俗的同時,其實也容得下一些intelligent thinking和欣賞文藝的空間。正如這中英夾雜、市井俚語和學院派討論共冶一爐的<<瞄>>一樣。只因我們都生於香港。


soon said...

你真係好比心機我寫你心目中想講既野. 睇你個blog感覺好似看了一篇reading.

mosquitivy said...

Heehe. I guess it's just becoz i'm less busy at work these days and therefore have more free time to refine my writing.

Siu Ching said...

thx for introducing that magazine to me wor! I will try to find one and have a look! I agree with Soon! haha! and....dumbo and ur dior shoes are not that bad ar! haha!