





L.O.V.E...Olivia Ong

Addicted, I admit. But ohhh I'm just so much in love with her voice...^^


Ever First Days of Bliss

'Meet you at 7:00 pm

Aqua restaurant, 1 Peking Road'

the card reads.

1 Nov 07
7 years filled with ever first days of true bliss.
Thank you.



七時五十五分,披上(新添的 ^0^)薄圍巾便出門。












A New Contract

A thirty-minute chat with my liberal and enlightening boss -- compliments, advice, sharing and reflections -- ended with an offer of contract renewal.

It prescribes what I'll be doing (teaching ESL, developing courses), where I'll be (CityU, Hong Kong), what I'll be earning (point XX and point XX in the scale), who I'll be seeing eight hours a day (Gwei Los n Gwei Pors who babble their love for China and their travel experiences all day) in the coming two years.

Walls a contract puts up.
But I need the SECURITY.

Transparent and permeable luckily I know.
So I'll see BEYOND.

Lucky me. Grateful me.




認識Second Life(SL)是在數月前,從Time讀到有關各大跨國品牌紛紛在這虛擬世界買地設立專門店、瑞典政府率先在此virtual land建立領事館、美國政府正考慮應否及如何對在此世界中賺取的收入徵稅,各人權組織對成人avatar和貌似小孩的avatar發生牲行為極度關注等的文章。「哈!不是吧?有趣有趣。」我邊讀邊說。

我對虛擬世界和avatar等概念在中學時期已略有認識,當時因為哥哥影響而玩了好一會Ultima。當時也有玩得肉緊,只為了「找對」那間獄室、那個鐵匠、那個魔法卷軸而玩到半夜給「阿媽踢竇」的時侯。但SL的層次又比Ultima此等角色扮演遊戲又高多了。兩者的分別正在於SL根本沒有「找對」和「做對」那回事,還記得我在新人島時大家對前輩的熱門提問正是:what am i supposed to do now? 在此先擱下各宗教不談,要知真實人生便從來沒有甚麼任務目的可言。 個人認為若人生真有目的,便是與人/社群建立關係,發掘、感受、體驗和建造這世界。而SL反映的正是這人人找自己有興趣、認為有意義的事做的自由空間。

SL的成功 (根據SL官方網站,居民數目已超過九百萬) 除了以上提到基本概念的創新外,亦有賴於功能和設計上的幾個特色:

1. SL賦與所有居民易學卻無窮的創造能力。小至一隻水杯、一張椅子,大至建築物和公用空間,又或是容貌、衣著、動作也是由居民所創造 (也許正因此而聚集了大群藝術家,媒體創作人、攝影愛好者尤其多,galleries和exhibitions隨處可見) 每人的創作皆有保障,創作者可自由選擇獨佔、分享、賣錢;當然只有這樣的制度才可使創作蓬勃 。

2. 多方面與真實生活接軌。SL電影院播放的是真實的荷里活電影,居民自發組織的英語文法班 (還有瑜珈班、心理學班、溝通技巧班、攝影班...種類數之不盡呢) 是用與真實課堂講義無異的Word / pdf 文件,在醫療所得到的是執業醫生的真實意見 (診症、治療未能做到,主要是意見諮詢);還有充斥在SL的市場調查終端機,完成了問卷(均由真實市瑒研究公司設計)還可得到金錢回報(數個至數十Linden dollars[SL幣值]不等)。也有圖書館服務供應商研究在SL提供資料搜尋的可能性。至於最能表現SL和真實世界的聯系的,莫過於lindens與美元的自由兌換 (匯率還會因美元升跌浮動呢)。這些元素使SL跟真實人生的分界變得模糊,卻又使SL的虛無變得實在。

3.市場經濟系統清晰完善。從上文提到美元與Linden dollars的關係,對經濟活動在SL的重要性已可略知一二。SL的經濟活動是非常活躍的,賺錢更是SL不少居民的主要目標之一 (無論是如大部份人滿足於看見自己的在SL的財富與日俱增,或是如小部份人般當真以賺取Linden dollars來換美金作收入)。在SL提供服務(如授課、跳舞)或「打工」可為你帶來收入,創造有需求的物件也能為你賺錢。土地買賣也在SL無時無刻發生。要擁有土地須付錢,偏遠的(人流少的)價錢較低,已有完善社區配套的價錢理所當然較高。 銀行服務是如何運作我未了解,但想來也跟真實世界中存款、借錢的概念不遠罷。

4.居民有權自由組成、參與、管理社群。根據興趣、語言、所在地等而建立的社區成千上萬,單看組織的名稱也夠有趣。由慈善組織、宗教團體、教育機構、財經小組(談的是真實世界的財經消息罷?)至名人八卦會、購物團、clubbing/partying團、成人活動小組等。唯一不見蹤影的是政治組織 (沒有此類別是SL的政治考慮罷)。居民找到「對嘴」的友儕絕對不難。這些組織可選擇性地共享共創資源,為成員或公眾組織各類型活動。

是的,這個虛擬世界多資多彩,有著無限可能。「哈!不是罷?有趣有趣!」已成了我在SL的「口頭襌」。但我會成為SL addiction的下一個受害者嗎?我想不會。常作旁觀者,不喜參與的我,就是不會弄出個甚麼來。更何況,我的第一人生也不錯呢!









自己喜歡的歐美歌手大致可分兩大陣營:甜美可人派和殿堂大師級。殿堂級暫表下不說,甜美派的代表人物則有Emilie Simon, Carla Bruni和Norah Jones。不談音樂路線迴異,若只論氣質,這些女孩也是各有千秋的。Emilie是可愛聰明但有點點邪氣愛耍壞的,Carla有帶著神經質的性感,Norah是固執倔強的鄰家才女。而今天愛上的Olivia則是純粹的甜。

這名叫Olivia Ong的小妮子,華人面孔,東南亞的蜜糖膚色,長期在日本發展,嘴裡說的是英語,唱的是巴西bossa nova的經典樂曲 (新碟才轉走acoustic路線)。很有趣的女孩。才二十歲呢。

今天download了這女孩幾首歌聽了才沒幾次,便心思思想把她的靚聲據為己擁有。一放工便直奔HK Records,二話不說便乖乖掏出一百二十元,換來一屋的甜。


N.B. 買的是A Girl Meets Bossa Nova 2。推介歌曲:Kiss of Life, L-O-V-E, One Note Samba。其實也很喜歡Bossa Nova 1 的Love Fool...唉,還是月尾再買罷。


Paris, Texas

Continuing my journey with Wim Wenders. Fell in love with "Paris, Texas" just five minutes into it.

A strikingly poetic movie, interwoven by long shots of geographical nowheres and close-ups of facial blankness and spiritual emptiness. Just with a quick glimpse of how the story begins, you get the mood: a long shot of a bleak rocky desert for ten seconds; followed by a close-up of a hawk landing on a boulder; then back to the desert where a man in a tattered suit and ridiculously a red baseball cap was staggering; finally a close-up of the face of this man in his bushy beard and with his sun-burnt cheeks. Now, Wenders is ready to tell this story of alienation and loneliness.

Beautiful images, lonely souls...But, don't get me wrong -- it is in no way the kind of art-house movie that only artists understand. It is easily accessible by anyone. In fact you can find a lot of soap-drama elements in the story, only presented with a little more idyllic charm. My synopsis below will immediately tell you how good the story itself is.

Directionless, purposeless, speechless, penniless, Travis kept walking in the middle of a desert in Texas for four years for a forgotten reason. His brother came all the way from L.A. to bring him back to sense, speech, civilisation and life, although the four years of disappearance remained to be a mystery. Under the care of his brother and sister-in-law, and with the forgiving love of his seven-year-old boy, Travis struggled to put his life back together. One day, he decided to take his boy for a journey to find the boy's mother, which ended with a final understanding of what had happened between him, his wife and his son.

Excellent characterisation too. You naturally slip into the hearts of the outwardly rugged but inwardly tender Travis searching for himself, his supportive middle-class brother and sister-in-law struggling to let go, his intelligent and understanding boy learning to forgive and accept, his remorseful and very beautiful young wife trying to escape...You won't ever forget any one of them.

As in all movies, you smile, sulk, sob, sigh as the story "Paris, Texas" unfolds. But unlike most movies, you are awed by the breathtaking images, mused by the powerful symbolisms and touched by the convincing characters for two entire hours and beyond.

Another classic. Another recent favourite.

N.B. Just found out there's even a fancy fan site made for this movie...Cool~











一. 十四歲女童會考得八優一5*
二. 馬力病逝






我又想到<<柏林蒼窮下>> (很美的片名)中,守望柏林的黑衣天使。他們並沒有批判二戰中誰對誰錯,東德西德那裡分界,那人成功那人失敗,甚麼是美甚麼是醜。天使只是在落入凡間的第一刻,因為血是有味道、空氣很冷而興奮,因為世界有紅、有黃、有綠、有灰藍而雀躍。天使在旁觀了世界幾億萬年的進化後選擇了真正的「活」。

When the child was a child
It walked with its arms swinging
It wanted the stream to be a river
The river a torrent
And this puddle to be the sea
When the child was a child
It didn't know it was a child
Everything was full of Life
And all Life was one
When the child was a child
It had no opinion about anything
It had no habits

It often sat cross-legged
Took off running
Had a cowlick in its hair
And didn't pull a face when photographed.






Middle Class Guilt

Somebody said the recent universal lament about global warming is mirroring some kind of 'middle class guilt' sentiments. Intriguing argument.

First, let us take a closer look at what middle class is. 'Middle class' or 'bourgeoise', a paradoxical concept about classifications of people in society. It has never been only a topic in ideological and political '...isms' out of reach by the majority. No. Instead, the concept 'middle class' has always been accepted as a matter of fact in our everyday life. 'Middle class' is equivalent to high education, stable handsome salary, abundant chances of travel, good taste of music, books, movies, sports, fashion and food, or in short, quality of life. In a practical earthy Hong Kong sense, middle class is synonymous to an overseas (preferably American or British) degree, a 1000 sq feet harbour-view house with either flamboyant or minimalist interior design, weekend golf or boat trips, Waltz or these days Salsa, Diana Krall and Il Divo, 號外orTime, 明報,經濟or SCMP, Burberry, Gucci or LV (but no monograms please), Starbucks or 'non-cha-chan-tang' style coffee in general, City Super and GREAT, frequent long distance flights, children in English Foundation or DSS schools... You know what I mean. Ask any average Hong Konger, I am sure s/he will come up with a similar list and tell you this is his/her dream lifestyle.

Right, everybody is struggling to get there - be 'middle class'. But who defines what 'there' is like and who plants these images in our mind then? In fact, this label has been deep-rooted in human mind for centuries, probably since the decline of the church and landlords and the emergence of industrialists and businessmen with accumulating wealth during the Industrial Revolution era. It has however taken on a different shape these days with the triumph and omnipresence of advertisements. Yes, advertisements that are literally invading every single corner. These ubiquitous and fanciful images have turned all the qualities of middle class into commodities, in other words, things that you need to pay for. Therefore, to be middle-class, you should prefer Starbucks coffee (which costs you double) to Hong Kong style milk-tea. To be middle class, you should visit HMV to buy DVDs and CDs that can be conveniently bought in local stores. To be middle class, you should subscribe SCMP or Time, even though you can hardly finsh one-third of each issue. To be middle class, you have to own a nice flat in an estate where the entrance lobby has a chandelier, never mind you have to work your whole life off the 5 m mortgage. These are the things that get you into the middle-class. Who cares whether you know the difference between Palestine and Pakistan, whether you know who you are voting for, whether you literally read or flip through the 村上春樹 or Kafka you're carrying, whether you call prostitutes dirty and cheap 'chickens' while frequently enjoying their service, whether you give your seat to a pregnant woman on MTR (let me rephrase -- middle-class people seldom take MTR), whether you give way to or swear at one of those slow-moving cardboard old ladies when you drive, whether you only blame the school for your children's misbehaviour while spoiling them with an unlimited supply of playthings like NDS, Wii and iPhone but never a book.

Now, do we have a reason for guilt? I believe yes. I am not saying that middle class is a group of people we should despise. In fact, I somehow quite like or am struggling to get many of the things mentioned above too. What I am saying is just 'Can we be a little bit more than that?' While we are enjoying all the privileges that our effort and much more importantly our luck (luck of being born with the intelligence, to be exact ability to memorize all that is required in the public exams and get into a university to get a decent degree and a handsome salary) bring us, we should also make an effort to understand how we are made, and how our earth and the unfortunate ones suffer as a result. Let us try to make a difference not merely by making a scanty monthly donation of $100 to an organization whose work we hardly even know.



瑞典电影大师英格玛-伯格曼辞世 享年89岁

曾经执导过《第七封印》、《野草莓》等经典作品的瑞典电影大师英格玛·伯格曼于瑞典当地时间7月30日(周一)在他的家乡法罗去世,享年89岁。  英格玛·伯格曼的作品一生创作过50多部作品,其中《处女泉》、《杯中黑影》、《呼喊与细语》和《芬妮与亚历山大》于1960年、1962年、1972年和1982年先后夺得奥斯卡最佳外语片奖。《夏夜的微笑》、《第七封印》、《女人的期待》、《野草莓》、《魔术师》、《处女泉》和《杯中黑影》则让他在柏林、戛纳和威尼斯等欧洲三大电影节各有斩获。

沒想過看他的seventh seal才兩天,他便輸了棋局,讓死神帶走了。正如戲中所要說的,這博弈有誰嬴得了?希望他在另一空間會找到他窮一生追尋的死神的秘密,得到永恒的平安。


大師說大時代的人生大意義 The Seventh Seal

對歐洲中古時代生活、黑死病、十字軍等等的來龍去脈一知半解,更莫說對片名取自的聖經<<啟示錄>>有任何認識,還是慕名地看了 Ingmar Bergman 的 The Seventh Seal。


大師很會說故事。善用音效 (留意第一幕,在海邊死神出場的音效!)、光影 (黑白電影最會用流光疏影、輪廓明暗去製造氣氛)、鏡頭 (面部特寫和長時間遠距離的鏡頭使用很多,還有常轉換不同角色的角度拍攝) 、剪接技巧 (記得那信徒隊伍走過荒野時的重疊影像,還有希治閣式驚嚇場面的剪接),牽引觀眾情緒。把簡單的故事說得動聽。












1. 書寫城市-香港的身份與文化 -潘毅、余麗文編
2. 後現代主義 -Richard Appignanesi
3. 圖解世界史 (上)、(下) -小松田直
4. Animal Farm -George Orwell
5. Meta-global: Blind Spot -Roundtable

1. 筆桿子、畫筆和毒葯 -Oscar Wildes
2. 現代生活的畫家 -Charles Baudelaire
2. 惡之花 -Charles Baudelaire
3. 情人杜拉斯 -Yann Andrea
4. 娜娜 -Emile Zola

除了Animal Farm是不見了再買回來,其餘的可要好長一段日子才看得完了。


Blind Chance

You talked about fate with me this morning (or last night for you in US). Indeed, we have come this far, largely because we are just following the chances presented to us. The coincidences, chances, or whatever you call them, along our path: love, family recognition, moving out, health, career moves, studying in Switzerland, financial growth, etc. are all that shaped our present time. Looking back, very few of these chances were sought. They just came.

I myself never strive very hard for anything in particular. But when chances, like wind, be it breeze or storm, are at the doorstep, I don't mind taking a ride and following where they lead me to. Even if I miss a ride, or if I fall in a turbulence, it is okay. There is always another gust on the way. After all, who knows whether all winds are leading to the same place. During these rides and falls, however, there's one thing I always hold on to with all my strength: your waist*.

One thing I did not tell you in MSN this morning is that coincidentallly I watched Kieslowski's Blind Chance last night. Haha, fate always has some amazing surprises in store for us.

* Just to rhyme. I haven't seen your waist for years already. Heehe


Before the Rain

Before the rain, three ill-fated love stories start and end.

Before the rain, hate spreads and blood is shed. An air of violence condenses in the moutainous Macedonia and fogs places as far as London.

Before the rain, a silent young Christian monk, an Albanian girl on the run, a world-wearied Macedonian war photographer, his widowed Albanian first-love, a London photographic editor, her bourgeois husband, are all linked up.

Some think Before the Rain displays the circularity of hate
and brutality, but it seems to me that it's not even circular. The events in the three stories, when narrated and viewed seperately, are linear; but when put in a circle by the surprising and clever ending of the last story, the events don't make sense any more. As suggested by one of the repeated lines in the movie, 'time never dies; the circle is never round'. With the tiny bits and pieces of clues here and there (e.g. characters of 2nd story appearing in 1st story, photos of events of 1st story shown in the 2nd story, news report of happenings of 3rd story broadcast in 2nd story, etc.) the audience are made to know that none of these stories should precede the other two, but these three stories cannot possibly happen at the same time either. These events simply don't fit in the 'time line' of any shape. Narration becomes illogical. Logic is defeated. Defeated by the absurd repetition and omnipresence of war.

Before the rain, it never rains.
Before the rain, it rains.

Before the rain, a wittily crafted movie of war that will disturb our hypocritical 'peace' of mind.

N.B. During these four days of being alone, I have already watched (or re-watched) four movies. Among them, Before the Rain really struck me with its beauty. To my surprise, I like it even better than the Angelopoulos' latest Weeping Meadow I have always wanted to watch. It's always a wonderful experience to keep watching until you see a great one that you can put into your Favourites list.





新加坡兩天不到的停留只是「順帶一遊」,卻出奇地不錯。住的是精巧有心思的Scarlet精品酒店 ,吃的是連嘴习的你也讚不絕口的海南雞飯、胡椒蟹、咖喱雞米等大排檔美食,夜裡去了在熱帶雨林旁的Night Safari看只有在National Geographic才看到的稀奇夜間動物,上機前的早上在印度廟外窺看教徒祈禱(還是祭祀,我們也看不懂),還有在商業區中心亂闖亂逛尋找魚尾獅。

新加坡這彈丸之地竟可自強不息獨立成國,的確令人佩服。在車上,看公路兩旁悉心栽種一式一樣的林蔭,聽只播懷舊英語金曲的電台節目和準確快捷的新聞廣播,便可知新加坡的社會模式。樹木可給炎熱天氣帶來涼意,又代表環保,象徵文明,當然要種。新加坡是華人、馬拉人和印度人三大種族共處之地,使用英語便可免除種族衝突,又可建立國際化的形象,當然要落實執行。同樣地英語懷舊金曲,能照顧所有新加坡人的文化背景,而且可確保歌詞不露骨粗鄙,又切合新加坡人高雅的品味,當然要播。至於新聞廣播當然有其實際需要,否則怎可確保商業中心的地位?這麼精確計算的城市,很厲害。旅遊期間突然想到一則笑話:Singapore is a fine(很不錯的/罰款) city.


有一點這兩地的人卻讓身為香港人的我慚愧不已的。他們都愛惜身處的環境。馬爾代夫釣魚期間遇上了一個漂浮的膠樽,發現後,船夫立即用木棍子把它鈎回船上。新加坡的夜間動物園不是單純吸引遊客的遊樂場,卻是市民帶著孩子感受大自然的保育場所。旅遊新加坡其間偶爾撞進了一間書店,展示著以「危機年代」作題材的台灣雜誌,封面是被困於溶化得所剩無幾的冰塊上的白狐,很落漠的樣子,我倆便買了下來 (連結)。香港人何時會學會愛惜環境呢?只想說,我們的家也在地球。










Silence offers the best escape;
escape only highlights its presence.

Present silence.
Silent presence --
the best present.







你總推著單車跟我走路到大圍市中心。路上,兩旁是樹,河上有白鷺 ,間中有騎著單車,帶著狗的途人,很寧靜。走不了多久,你鼻上便會冒出「粒粒汗」--哈哈,我最愛取笑你這個。

來到市中心,把單車鎖好,便醫肚去。「太興茶餐廳」是必然之選 -- 舒服,乾淨企理,還有大大杯凍檸茶,凍鴛鴦。若有甚麼財經大事,你總會「歎」一會信報,我便搶著文化版來看。看一會,你便會一邊吃你的沙嗲牛肉/午餐肉通粉和太陽蛋,一邊跟我談這個說那個。



Emilie Simon 的奇幻世界

昨天晚上終於看到她的現場演繹 -- 說終於也許有點不乎事實,我喜歡上她才數個月,她便應法國五月的邀請來港作一晚演出,是我的幸運罷。


在不足一個半小時的演出裡 (對,正確地說只有一小時二十分鐘,短得驚人) 穿黑色短裙赤著足的她活脫像一隻黑色小兔。從舞台一角跑到另一角,轉到後方又跳回台前。沒完沒了的把玩她各式各樣的樂器,一時背起電子結他、木結他,一時靜靜坐在鋼琴後,還不忘撥弄臂上自創的電子樂器。小兔一邊跳著轉著,口裡一邊送出甜美古怪的音樂,異想天開的如 I wanna be your dogNever fall in love ("I am not human. We will never be the same...Roses never fall in love"),充滿童真趣味的如 Flowers ("I want to buy you flowers. It's a shame that you're a boy.") 和 All is white "I (penguin) want to live in paradise. I want to live in the south"),像夢囈的如 Opium (法文) 和 Swimming ("I was swimming across the sky, clouds and angels by my side...")。 我不是曾說過,很tim burton嗎?

若emilie是小兔,是誰把她帶到這音樂世界?魔術師。(別笑,這名字是我從其他觀眾口中偷來的,又的確貼切) 後方的台階上,頭戴黑色禮服帽的電子混音師在一台黑色音響儀器前手舞足蹈,賣力的把音樂調高弄低。最有趣的還算是吊起來的方框,他隨節奏在框內的中空位置的彈撥,紅色的雷射線便在他手上閃現。很電子,很超科技,很超現實。同時我還是深信他便是童話中的從帽中取出小兔的魔術師。















很久很久沒有畫過甚麼,把家裡唯一、早封了塵的十色粉彩翻出來,是要畫昨晚那很漂亮的蛋糕 。畫得很醜,但我很高興。




Emilie Simon -- 幽靈女孩

她活脫是tim burton的聲音版。童真中陰暗,怪誕裡爛漫。


(you tube播的是她替<<小企鵝大長征>>造的音樂之一)





The Death of Mr. Lazarescu -- tender complexity of life

A film with a minimal plot: Mr. Lazarescu is very ill one day and a 'nurse' (stop fancying -- already in her 50s) takes him on a 'journey' from one doctor to another, each of whom comes up with a different diagnosis, and from one hospital to another, all of which are short of beds and the 'right' personnel and/or equipment, until Lazarescu's death puts an end to it.

Despite the tragic ending, the film is in fact a comedy, one that may not set you off laughing your head off, but that will definitely raise a smile. The destined helplessness of Lazarescu's medical journey and sadness of his death are completely offset by the playful dialogues and amusing description of humanity: the chaotic quarrelsome but definitely warm and happy -- in its own down-to-earth sense -- life of the couple nextdoor; the laughable ignorance and self-styled 'know-it-all' attitude of the in fact sympathetic and dutiful nurse; the snobbishness and self-righteousness that the doctors use to hide their exhaustion, ignorance and yearning for family and love. These characters' stories that weave together to form Lazarescu's last journey are making a hundred different statements of life. However different from one another they may seem, these statements are in fact celebrating one thing all the same: tender complexity of humanity.

If you're looking for a movie that tells little tragic stories of 'nobodies' and 'somebodies' in a comical lively way, you just can't miss this one.

IMDb link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0456149/

N.B. I also experienced some complexities when watching this film: 1. To catch the next film, I really had to miss the last 10 minutes or so; 2. Someone beside me, if not asleep, just couldn't stop yawning, moving and checking her watch... ^____^


My B Bean, Pepper & Petal

I don't know why, but after typing the text in YouTube, I couldn't get the video posted here. I could only post it as it is, without changing the title and adding any text...=(Anyway, the following message should in fact go with the Yorkie YouTube video.

O my god, they are definitely the
CUTEST possible things on earth!

B Bean, Pepper & Petal, wait for me. I'll bring you home very soon...

N.B. Pepper & Petal are names I have recently
decided to give my 2nd & 3rd puppies.

約瑟爹利 (Yorkshire Terrier)


Running my workshops

I didn't realize how I would look to my workshop participants until that day my nice colleague came to take some photos of me for our department's publicity. Strange looking at myself through other people's eyes. This serious side of me... =)


Letter to Daniel

The moment I finished reading my brother’s blog posting <<生孩子這回事>>, a loving father’s voice started and still keeps lingering in my mind.

Fergal Keane, a BBC foreign correspondent who has reported from various international crises areas including Northern Ireland, Southern Africa and Asia and been honoured by numerous journalism awards, 12 years ago, in a quiet morning in Hong Kong, wrote a letter to his new-born son, Daniel. This letter, ‘Letter to Daniel’, once broadcast (read aloud by Fergal himself), immediately prompted a staggering heartfelt response from audience around the globe.

Letter to Daniel Hong Kong, February

My dear son,

it is six o'clock in the morning on the island of Hong Kong. You
are asleep cradled in my left arm and I am learning the art of one-handed typing. Your mother, more tired yet more happy than I've ever known her, is sound asleep in the room next door and there is soft quiet in our apartment. Since you've arrived, days have melted into night and back again and we are learning a new grammar, a long sentence whose punctuation marks are feeding and winding and nappy changing and these occasional moments of quiet.

When you're older we'll tell you that you were born in Britain's last Asian colony in the lunar year of the pig and that when we brought you home, the staff of our apartment block gathered to wish you well. "It's a boy, so lucky, so lucky. We Chinese love boys," they told us. One man said you were the first baby to be born in the block in the year of the pig. This, he told us, was good Feng Shui, in other words a positive sign for the building and everyone who lived there. Naturally your mother and I were only too happy to believe that. We had wanted you and waited for you, imagined you and dreamed about you and now that you are here no dream can do justice to you.

We have called you Daniel Patrick but I've been told by my Chinese friends that you should have Chinese name as well and this glorious dawn sky makes me think we'll call you Son of the Eastern Star. So that later, when you and I are far from Asia, perhaps standing on a beach some evening, I can point at the sky and tell you of the Orient and the times and the people we knew there in the last years of the twentieth century. Your coming has turned me upside down and inside out. So much that seemed essential to me has, in the past few days, taken on a different colour. Like many foreign correspondents I know, I have lived a life that, on occasion, has veered close to the edge: was zones, natural disasters, darkness in all its shapes and forms. In a world of insecurity and ambition and ego, it's easy to be drawn in, to take chances with our lives, to believe that what we do and what people say about us is reason enough to gamble with death. Now, looking at your sleeping face, inches away from me, listening to your occasional sigh and gurgle, I wonder how I could have ever thought glory and prizes and praise were sweeter than life.

And it's also true that I am pained, perhaps haunted is a better word, by the memory, suddenly so vivid now, of each suffering child I have come across on my journeys. To tell you the truth, it's nearly too much to bear at this moment to even think of children being hurt and abused and killed. And yet looking at you, the images come flooding back. Ten-year-old Andi Mikail dying from napalm burns on a hillside in Eritrea, how his voice cried out, growing ever more faint when the wind blew dust on to his wounds. The two brothers, Domingo and Juste, in Menongue, southern Angola. Juste, two years old and blind, dying from malnutrition, being carried on seven -year-old Domingo's back. And Domingo's words to me, 'He was nice before, but now he has the hunger'.

Last October, in Afghanistan, when you were growing inside your mother, I met Sharja, aged twelve. Motherless, fatherless, guiding me through the grey ruins of her home, everything was gone, she told me. And I knew that, for all her tender years, she had learned more about loss than I would likely understand in a lifetime.

There is one last memory. Of Rwanda, and the churchyard of the parish of Nyarabuye where, in a ransacked classroom, I found a mother and her three young children huddled together where they'd been beaten to death. The children had died holding on to their mother, that instinct we all learn from birth and in one way or another cling to until we die.

Daniel, these memories explain some of the fierce protectiveness I feel for you, the tenderness and the occasional moments of blind terror when I imagine anything happening to you. But there is something more, a story from long ago that I will tell you face to face, father to son, when you are older. It's a very personal story but it's part of the picture. It has to do with the long lines of blood and family, about our lives and how we can get lost in them and, if we're lucky, find our way out again into the sunlight.

It begins thirty-five years ago in a big city on a January morning with now on the ground and a woman walking to hospital to have her first baby. She is in her early twenties and the city is still strange to her, bigger and noisier than the easy streets and gentle hills of her distant home. She's walking because there is no money and everything of value has been pawned to pay for the alcohol to which her husband has become addicted. On the way, a taxi driver notices her sitting, exhausted and cold, in the doorway of a shop and he takes her to hospital for free. Later that day, she gives birth to a baby boy and, just as you are to me, he is the best thing she has ever seen. Her husband comes that night and weeps with joy when he sees his son. He is truly happy. Hungover, broke, but in his own way happy, for they were both young and in love with each other and their son.

But, Daniel, time had some bad surprises in store for them. The cancer of alcoholism ate away at the man and he lost his family. This was not something he meant to do or wanted to do, it just was. When you are older, my son, you will learn about how complicated life becomes, how we can lose our way and how people get hurt inside and out. By the time his son had grown up, the man lived away from his family, on his own in a one-roomed flat, living and dying for the bottle. He died on the fifth of January, one day before the anniversary of his son's birth, all those years before in that snowbound city. But his son was too far away to hear his last words, his final breath, and all the things they might have wished to say to one another were left unspoken.

Yet now, Daniel, I must tell you that when you let out your first powerful cry in the delivery room of the Adventist Hospital and I became a father, I thought of your grandfather and, foolish though it may seem, hoped that in some way he could hear, across the infinity between the living and the dead, your proud statement of arrival. For if he could hear, he would recognise the distinct voice of family, the sound of hope and new beginnings that you and all your innocence and
freshness have brought to the world.

To listen: http://news.bbc.co.uk/player/nol/newsid_4280000/newsid_4280400/4280492.stm?bw=nb&mp=rm#



"又o黎? 日日塞十份吹水癈紙入人pigeon hole..."滿心以為是city的宣傳刊物,手正要把這粉紅尤物擲進垃圾箱之際,幸好讓我瞄到標題下香港文化誌的小字,匆匆縮手,立即便在辦公室讀起來,終於讓我找到一本甚得我心的雜誌。
這雜誌的一大特色是「中英雙語廣播」,但跟其他中英雜誌不同的是,英文與中文不是倒模式翻譯的。在<<瞄>>,兩種語言有獨立生命,時而各有各說,時而互相補足。雜誌Editorial Director這樣解釋雜誌語言的定位:

Muse is a primarily English magazine, sprinkled with Chinese throughout. On first glance, and when you see the Chinese prominently displayed, you may be tempted to search the English article for the exact sentences translated into Chinese, and vice versa. Most of the time you won't find it, for our purpose is not to translate articles or even sentences from English into Chineses. We want the two languages to play different roles...

接著他道出數個運用中文的原則:1. 若翻譯成英文,精髓將流失;2. 香港地道俚語;3. 中文小說、詩詞;4. 中文評論可給英文文章帶來新角度。




The problem with 鄭中基(Ronald
Cheng) is that he isn't very funny. He's a comedian whose primary skills seem to
be smiling and corss-dressing. He doesn't have the desperate urgency of Jim
Carrey, who plunges with manic intensity after his needs and desires, which can
be very funny. And he has none of the verbal brilliance and comic timing of
周星馳(Stephen Chow).


寫了這好一會,突然感到香港多元的可愛。也感到自己滿屋小飛象、隔陣子總要買對Dior的低B凡俗的同時,其實也容得下一些intelligent thinking和欣賞文藝的空間。正如這中英夾雜、市井俚語和學院派討論共冶一爐的<<瞄>>一樣。只因我們都生於香港。


Three Dead Bodies & Two Striking Stories

Three bodies were found recently.

Two were found in Italy just one day before this year's Valentine's Day. They have been literally 'in each other's arms' for 5,000 years and still are -- the people made sure they would not be parted when being removed from the earth.

擁抱五千年,義大利雙人骸骨於情人節前夕出土 (路透社) 02月 14日 星期三 12:31AM




One was found in New York the very first day of the Year of Pig. When the 70-year-old widower was found, he had been dead but seated in front of a blaring TV for more than a year. And nobody even knew. Nobody knew, probably because since his wife's death, his TV set had been his only companion, the only person he could scold, laugh at and share his emotions with. Saddest story I have read recently.

NEW YORK (Reuters) 18 February 07 -- Police called to a Long Island man's house discovered the mummified remains of the resident, dead for more than a year, sitting in front of a blaring television set.

The 70-year-old Hampton Bays, New York, resident, identified as Vincenzo Ricardo, appeared to have died of natural causes. Police said on Saturday his body was discovered on Thursdaywhen they went to the house to investigate a report of a burst water pipe.


The moment we die, what else do we ask for apart from a tinest bit of 'love' from someone other than a TV set?

My new blog 'The Sun in a Golden Cup'

My new blog 'The Sun in a Golden Cup' was just born!

I named it after a line from my recent idol Carla Bruni's song, 'Those Dancing Days are Gone'. This interesting song actually comes from William Butler Yeats' poem -- and so do all the other songs in the album 'No Promises'.And she did it all by herself!! So cool.

Come, let me sing into your ear;

Those dancing days are gone,

All that silk and satin gear;

Crouch upon a stone,

Wrapping that foul body up

In as foul a rag:

I carry the sun in a golden cup.

The moon in a silver bag.


I thought it out this very day.

Noon upon the clock,

A man may put pretence away

Who leans upon a stick,

May sing, and sing until he drop,

Whether to maid or hag:

I carry the sun in a golden cup,

The moon in a silver bag.

Despite weighty issues like aging and death, the images are deliciously beautiful. ^^

Hope my life will be blessed with, and so my blog will record, images like Bruni's too.